Thursday, September 23, 2010

2nd Cx Practice of 2010 Season

Megan and I got out to our second practice yesterday.

Was a pretty big turn-out with around 25-30 people.

Megan was practicing turns a lot and I was teaching her how to pick a smoother line.

There was a circle drill which I reall liked. At first I was not doing it right as I was doing more of two 180 turns with a lot of braking and then hammering out of the corner. Altho this method can be a fast way to do the small circuit, I was totally maxed out in 5 minutes. Not an efficient way to do it.

The I overheard someone saying the drill was to be done without brakes! Well there is no way I could do this quickly the 180 way, but I realized that you could be pretty fast doing a wide turn, thus the name "Circle Drill".

To add a twist we started doing this while pedaling all the time. I ended up crashing twice as I was turning in too quickly and my pedal would hit and pop the rear wheel out from under me. A reminder to try keep it wider and smoother.

We were doing this on the wet grass and I was having fun sliding the rear wheel out a bit and an occational recovery from a front wheel slide.

So I learned I can corner quite fast and pedal thru it if you get the right line.

I faired quite a bit better in the start drills. Not sure why, but I was starting in my lowest gear and I was shifting more thru the gears.

All in all it was a fun practice for Megan and I.

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